A Heavyweight of Nutrition on What Really Matters – Danny Lennon, MS

I don’t listen to many podcasts anymore but one that remains in the rotation consistently is Sigma Nutrition Radio founded and hosted by Danny Lennon. Danny holds a master’s degree (MSc.) in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork and has quickly become a heavyweight in the world of nutrition. In addition to his role at Sigma Nutrition, Danny is a member of the advisory board of the Sports Nutrition Association, on the scientific board of Legion Athletics, and an international lecturer. He’s the real deal.

In a world of nutritional partisanship, Danny aims to explore the nuances of nutrition through an unbiased perspective reporting the research as is. He has interviewed world experts in nutrition, consistently reads the literature himself, and keeps the bigger picture in mind making him one of the most respected authorities in the world of Nutrition. In our conversation, we discuss what really matters in nutrition, how to simplify nutrition for the average person, and address common pieces of misinformation and pseudoscience. This is a do-not-miss episode, I hope you enjoy it!

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Episode Outline

  1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you do what you do?
  2. What does preventive medicine mean to you!
  3. Where did the idea for sigma nutrition come from and what accomplishment through Sigma are you most proud of?
  4. Out of the context of weight loss, are all calories the same? Is a calorie a calorie regardless of the source?
  5. What is the importance of diet vs. exercise when it comes to health and longevity? Do they have unique benefits or do they always go hand-in-hand?
  6. There are so many specific nutrient-based questions that people encounter in their daily lives (i.e. how much salt should I be eating, should I be supplementing with vitamin d, etc) – how do they know what matters and what doesn’t?
  7. Is there any credibility to food intolerance tests? Why do some people seem to find benefit in avoiding certain foods?
  8. What is the basis for creating a sustainable diet and how would you coach someone through in approaching their diet?
  9. If you’re at a coffee shop and someone asks you how to get healthy, what do you tell them in 2 minutes while you’re waiting?

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