Are We Really in Control of our Diet? – Stephen Guyenet, PhD

Are we really in control of our diet? What influences what we either put or keep out of our mouths? Why is fast food so prevalent and why do we as humans gravitate towards it so much? There’s so much more to nutrition than calories in vs. calories out as explained by Dr. Stephan Guyenet in this episode.

Dr. Guyenet completed his PhD in neuroscience followed by a post doctoral fellowship in the neuroscience of obesity and eating. He is the founder of, an editor for Frontiers in Nutrition, and a scientific reviewer for among other endeavors. Dr. Guyenet is passionate not only about nutrition, but in what sets the background for our diets and how they have evolved over time. In this episode we talk about the concept of an “ideal body weight,” the drivers behind our urge to eat, our culture around food, and the obesity epidemic. 

Dr. Guyenet's Links:

Show Outline

  1. How did you fall into the world of nutrition science and what gets you up every morning?
  2. What does preventive medicine mean to you?
  3. Is there an ideal weight? What can the average person do to get past their ‘setpoint” to an “ideal weight?” How should one construct their diet in accordance with impulses/preferences/nutrition?
  4. What are the factors that influence our weight the most? Is it all “will-power” as many claim it to be? Why is it so hard to understand that it’s more than just will power?
  5. What drives our desire to eat? Can you talk about the neuroscience behind hunger? Why do we like ultra-processed foods so much?
  6. People tend to blame various specific nutrients such as sugar, fat, processed foods, etc. for the obesity epidemic. What do you think is there to blame for the obesity epidemic?
  7. How did the food environment come to be the way it is?
  8. How can we design a better food environment for ourselves? What can we do on a systems and community level?
  9. How do physicians and healthcare providers fit into helping patients/clients create a better food environment?
  10. If someone asks you, “How do I get healthy” while you’re waiting for your coffee at Starbucks, what do you tell them in 2 minutes?


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